Leggygowan Farm

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Leggygowan Farm, a Northern Irish artisan cheese producer, based in Saintfield in County Down was established in 2010 as part of a farm diversification project.

In 2012, the company run by Adam, Ryan and Jason Kelly launched a new goat's blue cheese, Northern Ireland's first and a new addition to an emerging farmhouse cheese sector.

The success of the semi-soft blue cheese with delis and farm shops encouraged the company to develop a white goat's cheese and in June 2012 Leggygowan Farm added a new semi-hard goat's cheese to its portfolio.

The company uses milk from the farm's 100-strong herd of pedigree goats, including Nubians, reared on the 20-acre farm.

Both the blue and white goat's cheeses are produced in 1kg moulds. The blue cheese is matured over a five-week period. The company is to make the cheese available in 5kg blocks soon

The small farm diversification business is supplying its goat's blue cheese to leading chefs in high-end hotels and restaurants and has plans to develop sales in Great Britain and Republic of Ireland.

The company is also using its own goat's milk to develop fudge and soap.

Goats blue cheese
Semi–hard goat’s cheese

High-end hotels

Awards held

  • 2012 International Cheese Festival (Nantwich): Leggygowam Farm's Goat's blue cheese awarded the bronze medal in the Best Cheese developed by a student attending a Food Technology Course categoty (Leggygowan Farm has been assisted by Loughry campus, CAFRE).

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