The Skillful Pass Limited

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Allan Cree set up The Skillful Pass in 1997 having worked for DuPont for ten years. The Skillful Pass provides the following services:

Tender & pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) assistance: Many tenders require specific quality, safety, environmental & other questions to be answered. The Skillful Pass assists customers to take credit for their capabilities & achievements by crafting suitable answers with supporting information. Many customers have improved their scores & their strike rates significantly e.g. one customer won a PQQ by a 10.5% margin with 93%.

The Skillful Pass has customers in both private & public sectors. Clients range from small owner managed companies to multinational FTSE-100 companies & NY-SE listed corporations. Their activities include councils, food services, food production, engineering, construction, landscaping, laundry, warehousing, logistics, telecommunications, healthcare, recycling, waste management & the manufacture of electronic components, composites, pharmaceuticals, chemicals & packaging.

Business won typically varies from £100,000 to over £1 million per year for five years.

Tender & PQQ services range from:
Writing all answers. (Ghost writing is more accurate as the customer’s knowledge is written down.)
Writing selected answers.
Reviewing proposed submissions or selected answers & making suggestions.
Planning & writing notes for how to answer selected questions.
Providing options & ideas to answer questions. (Some tenders restrict pages, words or characters in answers. Others do not. Different techniques are useful in answering different types of questions.)
Preparing supporting evidence for answers. This includes listing photos to take, taking photos, preparing checklists & preparing procedures. (All management system documents are available.)
Preparing & delivering bid presentations.
Assisting customers to check that specific items have been included when pricing.
Assisting customers to prepare pricing models.
Helping to manage risk e.g. hedging fuel for multi year contracts where prices will rise with RPI.
Analysing the cost matrix for opportunities & risks.

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